what we do

Organic Gardener can help you with:

Flower 1 this needs to be replaced with Terri's work

General Maintenance:  

A yearly skilled maintenance check  can greatly enhance your property and help to prevent potential future problems from recurring more rapidly. We assess conditions for weeds and invasive plants,  unwanted debris,  improved soil to moisture conditions, and selective cutting back of perennials or woodies.

Pruning Maintenance:  We use selective hand pruning (techniques) to help encourage new growth and longevity to your existing herbaceous plants, shrubs or trees. This includes all season roses, hydrangeas, tree peonies, shrubs and small ornamentals.  We also offer late winter pruning for small fruiting trees as appropriate to species.

Transplanting and Dividing:   After all the time and money spent, plants are worth it, and it may be necessary to generate more air flow and growth vitality in your garden scape by moving a few herbaceous plants or shrubs some where else. By doing so, it will also help to encourage added interest and biodiversity to your property.

Soil Building and Conditioning:  Assessing soil for over-all plant  health and vitality is a  preferred way to keep perennial plants, woodies, and annuals healthy. We apply organic compost as a top coat conditioner  and as an amendment towards the existing soil in the beds. When planting it is also essential to asses the soil for it’s texture and moisture content. Adding some good common sense compost to overly sandy or clay soils will improve the nutrient up take towards your existing plants or new plantings. Plants rely on natural microbial or fungal biomass nutrients for there health, growth and vitality. By adding compost  it  will  also help to encourage the reduction of disease and moisture loss.
At times some wood land plantings or perennial areas of interest may require some trouble shooting and or additional amending with natural soil amendments other than compost. These other forms of conditioning, upon observation of a soil test, may be applied after or before plant growth.

Jumping Worm invasion In New England: The ” jumping earth worm” is considered invasive. It has a white band.. pluck them from the ground when planting. Note some things considered invasive eventually naturalize down the road. Nevertheless, bluck and destroy around new plantings or in general upkeep.

Mulching and Edging:  Along with edging, regular replenishing of mulch is a good idea for an added esthetic bang to your property. It is also good gardening, i.e., essential to help slow down weed seed germination, moisture loss and unwarranted erosion. Replenishing  with good quality  mulch   benefits the  natural fugal or microbial soil environment for  overall good plant  health.

Soil Testing:  A soil test is a good tool when thinking about planting any variety of new beds, vegetable gardens, shrub borders, or just correcting problem areas when common sense fails. Generally It is essential to soil test a specific area way ahead of planting to help establish a correct ph. The results of a soil test will determine how much or what kind of natural amendments may be used for that specific area of up take.

Leaf Litter in the land scape: Leaves are good.  By allowing the natural process of decay through a symbiotic relationship, leaves serve as a natural plant food and insulator attracting worms  and other beneficials to your garden. As has been my experience working with leaves, the benefits far out weigh the negative. We prefer moderate hand raking  of flower and shrub beds, allowing some layer of leaf debris to remain. This method is also helpful when building soils depleted from too much leaf blowing.

Design/ Consultation and Renovation/ Installation:  Wether it’s a shady area that needs added pizzaz, for example, or you’re looking to enhance existing areas of interest without the need of new plantings we will make an assessment with you on your property surveying the various conditions and  establish a plan of action to meet your needs. For a formal design we will take measurements and photos as needed, and create a plant  list  along with  a map detailing our interpreted vision, The end result thus being a vista of potential.  As an  individual proprietorship, Organic Gardener,  is able to offer small installations only and would be happy to out source for larger jobs.

Indoor Plant Care: After all the time spent indoors  some times your house plant may need a little TLC. We  can help with repotting and pruning oversized plants for rejuvenation and help asses your  succulents or subtropical for renewed growth and flowering potential.

Home Staging: We offer detailed maintenance before and after staging, and welcoming potted displays,for the outside.

Consultation: With a common sense approach we try to meet you where you are at  first. I will gladly talk with you. First 15 minutes are free.

Encouraging the Concept “ Of Do No Harm” in the landscape by reflecting the integrity of the environment

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